Sunday, May 4, 2008

Long Time No C

Its been really long since this blog has got a new post. Where are you guys .. common .. remember we decided to put a new one every week. Gattu where are thou !!!! 

A lot has happened in last few months. 

First, I quit my job and shifted to mumbai  :) , that offcourse is for a new company. Convincing my manager to relieve me early was pretty hard but in the end he agreed. 

Secondly , Many of my past team members are also resigning but thats in a early stages and lets see how things turn out. 

Third, I am united with our old college gumble (group) . It feels good but I am realizing that people have changed a lot. Lets not go into the detail of what are the changes but it makes me think of certain aspects of life. The only thing that is constant is Change, period. I am in mumbai , rest in delhi , everyone of us will change as time goes by. And when we meet sometime in future ,which we will, I hope that change is good coz here that change has been a kind of disappointment to me. Also, if that change happens right in front of us than it is probably we expected as things progressed, but when we see it after a month/year gap than its shocking. 
Hope we don't change much and if we do that is good. 

More to write on the developments in the last couple of months but I will leave it for later. Have to study for CFA, the day is approaching near. 

P.S. : Things are good. I have settled here and hopefully work will start in full throttle in a week.