Friday, February 22, 2008

Bonjour Mesiah Mesiah

This is an explicit material suitable for those who know what pretty much means. If not, no problem , go on you will get it anyway

Lets take a time machine and go 4-5 months back and consider this

A place full of above average intellect alpha males with virtually no beta females. Now these alpha males have accepted the truth of life, that being, there will be no fairer sex in the project. And if by any chance a female comes in to the project (which by experience they know is virtually impossible) the most senior among them will get it (thats what most of my seniors think) or it will follow the Darwin's Theory of survival of the fittest. Welcome to the dark side.

Now lets come to present

Suddenly one day a (alpha + semi-alpha) "French" female comes to this place to provide training. She start talking in her French accent saying "Bonjour Mesiah Mesiah" which feels like pink floyd music. There is something about French language, you dont know what it means but it sure is sexy ( May be thats why the word French Kiss is there , French being symbolic of the sex part). If you still don't get it I suggest you download 2-3 Alizee songs and listen to them you will get the idea.

Now these Beta males start to believe that there is life after death :P and Final Fantasy Episode 1 begins : Firang in FantasyLand

One of them, lets call him Level1 says "dude I am imagining her every night and wetting my diaper because of Bonjour Mesiah Mesiah. I am also doing extra workouts . What Line should I use to impress her
a) I am Level1 , I know Black Scholes, I know Phinance or
b) I learn new things in Kalipso everyday, It is so good , I learn new things everyday (put these lines in loop after every 30 seconds)"

Mr. HOT says I feel my testosterone level has increased is it because of that firang or due to more intake of protein. Dude if you take 5kg of protein a month even a dead guy will have high testosterone level.

Then this comment which tops the all is by guruji "I have raped her in my dreams". Ahh Sweet dreams. If Jodha (guruji wife) sees this comment there surely will be no more dreams in his life

You probably will be feeling what a bunch of sex maniac but you are wrong. Let me tell you why. All these alpha males have been watching X rated movies(mostly from the west) like most of us (common admit you also watch them) and fantasizing on them. Now if a firang comes they will definetly try to place her in one of those movies for eg. she looks like a girl in "Good Will Humping" or "Porn Identity" etc. And let me tell you this ,if you are not fantasizing then it means 2 thing
a) You are not Male or
b) You are male and there is something seriously wrong with you, go to your nearest doctor ASAP.

But this is a matter of few days and then there will be no fantasy world, No easy Lunch and pretty much alpha males will be doing bigtime technical and geek stuff. Till then "When in Rome do what Romans do " :P

P.S. The author is a newbie to blogging so correct me if there were any errors in my writing I will debug them and recompile it.

1 comment:

LitmusTest said...

Le poste est vraiment bonne. Congrats on perdre votre virginité. Cela signifie que vous êtes devenu plus français (sexy) qu'auparavant.