Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sensing Trouble, Loosing Focus.

By no means I wants to discourage you guys, but the point is… the point is… we could have started it earlier. Ask yourself and you will realize that this could have done a lot earlier. You know what is so special about Shahrukh Khan? He is the one person who does right thing at the right time – always! That guy has great sense of humor. When I sees his interview I says ‘WOW! This person has got charisma and attitude’.

Obviously, we can’t be SRK, but at least we can try to utilize our time in a better way so that we gets enough time to keep this blog updated. If you can’t do it, I’ll do. The ownership is mine, the onus is on me. Maybe your definition of fun is to talk hours after hours with French people, my idea starts and ends with blogging.

I wants to keep it short on post-1. With the addition of high speed internet for another nine hours per day in my life, I hopes to make significant and frequent contribution to the blog.

1 comment:

LitmusTest said...

I, this is a good post. Very trite. I am loosing my mind. :)