Saturday, February 23, 2008

sv v_ut0nj0 ........

"Some men are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have big time greatness thrust upon them"
That was a cold night, so cold that people even avoided washing their asses in the loo, they just wiped it off (but this is not important)…the wind was blowing at the speed of light…The fog covered the planet like a blanket..and A man walks alone in the streets of a lonely town in a far flung corner of Rajasthan called churu. The sound of the wind and the sound of his footsteps were resonating with each other. He stopped in front of a house, knocked at the door, and it was heard miles from there. The lady in the house woke up, opened the door and was astonished to find a dark, tall man, with on his face, standing with a big black box in his one hand……she stood speechless, with the feeling of some drops of water on her forehead, not a single word came out of her mouth. The man kept the box on the ground. To her utmost surprise the man quickly made a set of movements and disappeared in the cloud of fog.
Her sigh of relief was hindered by the glance of the black box. Although, her face didn’t regain its original colour...she went near the box…and found that the light was just enough to read the first few lines scribbled on the box…her lips murmured the words ….”big time courier, london”.
Noticing a movement in the box, the lady opened the box with her shivering hands, and was pleased to find a baby inside the box, with a “french cut”....
As It could be predicted from....all the drama, action and thrill presented before were not important. It just answers the question, which people around him are forced to think “ Did his mother go to England or somebody from England visited his house?”
He was not like a normal child, but was in the league of extraordinary people like Mr. Einstein or Mr.Ishaan from Taare Jammen Par…
Normally the kids start speaking from an age of 6-7,and this is treated as one of the most sacred day in the hindu mythology with the mother shouting to the father “Dekho ji, munna bolne laga” and this kid started speaking at an age of 1 month..and the first word which came out of his mouth was neither mummy or papa ..not a word from hindi dictionary ..It was a word some of you might have guessed…It was “pretty much”…and since then he has never stopped speaking.
Time started flying like the kite of salman khan in the song “dheel de”of “Hum dil de chuke sanam”.
With each tick of the clock, the thirst of knowledge in the child grew like the fire in the forest, and he tried to quench this thirst with the knowledge of finance. When the children of his age used to play “chor sipahi” and “luka chippi”. He used to sit in one corner of the class and study the “schweser : The ultimate FRM guide “.
The deep study of the FRM guide produced the result and at an age of 9, he published a 3010 pages of paper on “ Effects of yen carry trades on homo sapiens”…which nominated him for “Noble peace prize”, but lost by few points to Mother Teresa.
His extraordinary skills forced the doctors to have a research on his brain. and cracked the reason for his extraordinary brain power..His brain was actually a dual parallel processor located in both the knees .

Once, in his class, when asked the question : “Where do u see yourself 15 years from now ? ”
“I want to become a PM !!!”
“Excellent !!! and this PM stands for ???”
“Pretty Much”
“What kind of the profession is this ??”
“No mam !! It stands for Project Manager. Shoot me if I am wrong.”
The entire class burst into laughter, and that was the first day, he was offended,for the first time, then and there he decided to become a PM, and started his preparation with “Mein Kamph : An ultimate guide for being a PM”
Where there is a wills, there is smoke…and so the Mission was accomplished…He was not just a PM, like million other PMs on the planet, who get pissed off when people under them are really pissing..but was one step above, the only of his kind who had the ability to speak on Mamta Kulkarni when the topic of discussion used to be “Ozone Layer Depletion”.
People believe, that a day will come when he will wear red underwear over his trouser and people will call him a SUPER PM.
"Men rise and fall like the winter wheat, but these names will never die . Let them say I lived in the time of PM . Let them say I lived in the time of real Spartans."


LitmusTest said...

A superlative post. You put all our collective feelings into words.

Who knew while we were doing 'masala' you were actually thinking Literature?

You actually took all the masala and cooked the story really well. Three cheers to the 'Funny Guy'.

p.s: What about his conquest of other planets?

It started with Morgan-the planet of mute farmers. After setting foot on Morgan, he yelled "Myyyyyyyy Baaaabyyyyyyy" and the planet succumbed. He became an instant God, like Phil Crosby.

Next, BGI fell after which he took the initiative to read the 'Art of War'. Unfortunately the book-store hoodwinked him by substituting another book instead, "Yen and the art of motor-cycle maintenance". He was a convert.

He was no more interested in conquests but in preaching. He decided to 'nail' Calyon down by sending a virus to the planetary main-frame. The virus automatically downloaded tonnes of high volume finance pdfs into every pc on the planet leaving space for nothing else.

As an aside, the virus also forced his face as the wall-paper with the words, "I am pretty-much gungho about Calyon"

unsravi said...
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unsravi said...

Tremendous n' all!
With the addition of Sandy's comment, there is hardly anything left that would reflect generic sentiment about ... what do you call him... pretty much!

It will require another 'heroics' from him to find a place once again on the "The Dark Side".

sparta said...

thanx n all ....
kudos to my room mate, who went to jaipur, leaving behing his vulnurable PC...without his support, it wudn't have been possible

lucifer said...

big diya .. Period .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!